Thursday 19 September 2019

Topic 11.3.- Verb can in Present Simple

"I believe I can fly" song video with English and Spanish subtitles

Conversation video about the use of the verb "can" in present simple

Yes / No Question

Affirmative answer

Negative answer

Can I leave the classroom?

Yes, you can.

No, you cannot. / No, you can’t.

Can you leave the classroom?

Yes, I can

No, I cannot. / No, I can’t.

Can he leave the classroom?

Yes, he can.

No, he cannot. / No, he can’t.

Can she leave the classroom?

Yes, she can.

No, she cannot. / No, she can’t.

Can it leave the classroom?

Yes, it can.

No, it cannot. / No, it can’t.

Can we leave the classroom?

Yes, we can.

Yes, you can.

No, we cannot. / No, we can’t.

No, you cannot. / No, you can’t.

Can you leave the classroom?

Yes, we can.

No, we cannot. / No, we can’t.

Can they leave the classroom?

Yes, they can.

No, they cannot. / No, they can’t.

Can + Subject + Verb + Complement?

Yes, Subject + can.

No, Subject + cannot / can’t.

Wh questions

How can I get to Las Palapas park?
Where can I have lunch in the city centre?
Wh- question word + can + Subject + Verb + Complement?

*Who can swim?
Who can go with me to the cinema this weekend?
Who + can + Verb + Complement?

Online exercise about the use of can and can't in affirmative present simple

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