Wednesday 18 September 2019

8.6.- Affirmative past simple with irregular verbs

Mary's song video by Taylor Swift with English and Spanish lyrics

Some phrases with irregular verbs in past simple in the lyrics

She said, I was seven and you were nine.
Said you'd beat me up, you were bigger than me.
You never did, you never did.
Take me back to the time we had our very first fight.
And you looked at me, got down on one knee.
Take me home where we met so many years before.

Irregular Verbs

Base Form = Past Simple Form

be = was / were
do = did
get = got
have = had
meet = met
say = said

Chart of the most common past-simple irregular verbs

Source: DOFF, Adrian (2016) Empower A1 Starter Student's book. Cambridge University Press: Dubai. P 165.

Conversation video with the irregular past-simple verbs

Affirmative past simple with irregular Verbs

Verb “have”

Verb “go”

Verb “see”

I had

You had

He had

She had

It had

We had

You had

They had

I went

You went

He went

She went

It went

We went

You went

They went

I saw

You saw

He saw

She saw

It saw

We saw

You saw

They saw

Collaborative online exercise about the affirmative past-simple with irregular verbs

Individual online exercise about the affirmative past simple with regular and irregular verbs

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